Sharonda’s She Shed helps women find clarity, guidance, and necessary mindset shifts in pursuit of their goals.

I provide the tools to build something beautiful within yourself that is uniquely yours. I have a comprehensive approach to unlocking potential with the 3 S’s. Spirit, Service, and Stewardship:

Spirit of Adventure

I encourage clients to take the journey to self-discovery by changing the way they see themselves to develop a healthy mindset, build self-efficacy, and develop habits for long-term improvement and growth.

Service to Others

I support clients to find a clear purpose for their lives by addressing who they are/can/should/will become to reach their goals and fulfill their dreams.

Stewardship in Action

I manage the needs of clients and resources with great care, remembering that the most valuable things in life are worth the work.

Your mind is the only thing holding you back. You have the ability, the gifts, and the resources. Let me help you unlock your full potential.

About Sharonda

Founder of Sharonda’s She Shed

I am an International Coach Federation certified life coach in Transformation, Positive Psychology, and Solution-Focus coaching.  Starting Sharonda’s She Shed was very organic for me because I have a deep desire to see women get out of their own way. I have seen so many smart, beautiful, capable women who struggle to reach their full potential due to self-doubt.

As I navigated many personal changes in my life, I learned that the power was in me to help myself. As I started making changes in my own life, I knew I wanted to help women do the same and pursued becoming a certified life coach. I was so drawn to the concept of a She Shed because of the work it takes to build and make it a sacred space for women. What would happen if we applied this concept to transforming the mindsets of women everywhere?

Whether it is validation from our friends and family, a higher salary, a new career, or simply a new outlook on life, we are all starving for something. I am here to help my clients navigate the path to fulfilling their desires.