Sharonda’s She Shed provides transformational mindset life coaching services to help clients achieve their personal, educational, and career goals by improving their competence, capacity, and productivity.  I accomplish this with a comprehensive approach to positive mindset shifts for my clients.

You have both free and paid options to connect with the She Shed!

The Shed Monthly Program (Most Popular!)

The She Shedders is a private Facebook group for She Shed members. For a small investment of $10 per month, She Shedders receive:

 Monthly one on one 15-minute laser coaching sessions.  Weekly live meetings in the She Shedders private Facebook group.  Discounts on She Shed products and services.

Life Coaching

I provide Transformational Mindset Coaching to help clients better themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary changes

I provide coaching programs that work for you, regardless of where you are in your journey. With programs that range from 3 to 12 months, packages include monthly virtual meetings, email support, and check-in calls.

*Available in both 1 on 1 and group coaching formats. Custom packages are also available upon request


Certification Program

I provide a life coach certification program to help those seeking to go into the life coach business.

Coming in 2022!